The GM Diet Plan

GM Diet Plan Day 1
GM Diet Plan Day 1

You Will Need
A variety of fruit – apples, oranges, watermelon, kiwi, and papaya are some of your best options.
What You Have To Do
The first day of the diet allows you to eat as many fruits as you like. There are no restrictions on when you can eat. Watermelons and cantaloupes are the recommended fruits as they are high in fiber. Other healthy choices include papaya, apples, and oranges. You must also consume 8 to 12 glasses of water during the day. At no point is it advised to starve. If you feel hungry, you can grab some fruits and satisfy your craving.
A Schedule You Could Follow
8 am – 9 am)
A regular sized apple with a glass of water
(11 am – 12 pm)
Half a bowl of sliced cantaloupe with a glass of water
(1:30 pm – 2 pm)
A serving of sliced watermelon and two glasses of water
Post Lunch Snack
(4 pm – 5 pm)
A whole orange and a glass of water
Evening Snack
(6:30 pm – 7 pm)
An apple and a glass of water
(8 pm – 9 pm)
Sliced cantaloupe and a guava with two glasses of water
Why This Works
Fiber-rich fruits keep you full for longer (1). They are also low in fat. In addition, the high amount of water intake will flush out the toxins and prepare your body for the next six days of dieting.
There are some foods that may hinder your weight loss. Here is a list of foods that you should avoid.
Foods To Avoid
  • Vegetables – Avoid eating any veggies on this day.
  • Fruits – Banana
  • Protein – Avoid eating any protein source such as meat, eggs, fish, beans, lentils, and mushrooms.
  • Fats & Oils – Lard, butter, margarine, and safflower oil.
  • Carbs – Avoid all carb rich foods, including brown rice.
  • Dairy – Full fat milk, full fat yogurt, frozen yogurt, ice cream, and cheese.
  • Beverages – Alcohol, soda, sweetened drinks, milkshakes, vegetable juices or smoothies, and packaged fruit juices.
Are you allergic or don’t like the taste of certain foods listed in the diet plan? Don’t worry, we have a food substitutes list ready for you.
Apple – Orange

Cantaloupe – Cucumber

Watermelon – Honeydew melon or cucumber

Orange – Grapefruit or peach

Guava – Green apple
Useful Tip: It is advisable to eat some apples and drink a couple of glasses of water for breakfast. Melons are also a good choice; you can lose up to three pounds by the end of day 1.
Eating good and less will help you to a certain extent. To activate the lipid mobilization, you have to exercise. Here is a list of basic exercises that you can start with.
Since you will be on only fruits and water, do not perform rigorous exercises. You may do these exercises early in the morning or in the evening after office or school. Here is your customized exercise plan for Day 1.
    • Arm circles – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Wrist circles – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Neck rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Ankle rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Leg rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Waist rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Spot Jogging – 5-10 minutes
    • Yoga asanas (stretching)
Warning- Please avoid doing any of the exercises listed above if you have any injury. Please consult your trainer or doctor.
How You Will Feel By The End Of Day 1
Day 1 will be comparatively easy since the monotony of eating fruits and veggies has not crept in yet. If you stick to the diet plan and exercise routine, you will feel active, energetic, and great about yourself by the end of Day 1.
Ready for Day 2?

GM Diet Plan Day 2

GM Diet Plan Day 2
You Will Need
An assortment of vegetables. Some of the healthiest options would be carrots, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, and cabbage.
What You Have To Do
You have to follow a vegetable-only meal plan on the second day. You can cook the vegetables to make them palatable, or consume them raw. Care should be taken while preparing the vegetables as oil is not allowed. So, forget deep frying your favorite potatoes or eating chips. You can have the vegetables whenever you feel hungry. Flavorings like olive oil or butter can be used sparingly, only if absolutely required.
A Schedule You Could Follow
8 am – 9 am)
A boiled potato. You can also add a teaspoon of low-fat butter for flavor
(11 am – 12 pm)
Cabbage and lettuce salad with a light dressing and a glass of water
(1:30 pm – 2 pm)
A mixed vegetable salad with cucumbers, onions, and carrots and two glasses of water
Post Lunch Snack
(4 pm – 5 pm)
A cup of boiled broccoli, half a cup of sliced bell pepper, and two glasses of water
Evening Snack
(6:30 pm – 7 pm)
Some boiled cauliflower with a light dressing and a glass of water
(8 pm – 9 pm)
A salad comprising boiled carrots, broccoli, and green beans, and two glasses of water
Why This Works
Vegetables have all the nutrients you need to sustain your body. Potatoes have carbohydrates, peas have protein, and carrots and beans are full of fiber and essential vitamins (2). After the relatively low carb day, this will replenish your carb stores and will energize you for the next day of the diet.
It’s all good as long as you avoid the following listed foods.
Foods To Avoid
  • Fruits – Avoid all fruits on this day
  • Protein – Avoid eating any protein source such as meat, eggs, fish, beans, lentils, and mushrooms.
  • Fats & Oils – Lard, butter, margarine, and safflower oil.
  • Carbs – Avoid all carb-rich foods, including brown rice.
  • Dairy – Full fat milk, full fat yogurt, frozen yogurt, ice cream, and cheese.
  • Beverages – Alcohol, soda, sweetened drinks, fresh fruit juices or smoothies, and packaged fruit juices.
Bored of eating the same veggies? Take a look at the substitute list to break the monotony.
Potato – Sweet potato or carrots

Butter – Margarine or sour cream

Cabbage – Bok choy or celery

Lettuce – Leek

Cucumber – Carrots

Onion – Shallots

Carrot – Beetroot

Broccoli – Cauliflower

Bell Pepper – Zucchini

Cauliflower – Green beans
Useful Tip: Eating baked potatoes will help you go through this hard phase! You can also switch to cabbage soup or tomato soup and have it for lunch or dinner.
As long as you stay active, you will keep many obesity-related diseases and heart diseases at bay. Check out the exercise regimen for Day 2.
A similar exercise routine as Day 1, but a slightly strenuous workout plan to help mobilize the fat. You may do these exercises early in the morning or in the evening after office or school.
    • Surya Namaskar (click here to see the steps to perform Surya Namaskar).
    • Kapalbhati – 50-10 times (take a break if you cannot do it continuously).
    • Baddhakonasana or cobbler pose – 2 sets of 20 reps.
    • Adho Mukha Shvanasana or downward facing dog pose – 2-3 minutes.
    • Rope jumping – 2 sets of 50 reps
    • Arms circles – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Wrist rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Shoulder rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Neck rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Face exercises
Warning – Avoid doing certain yoga asanas or pranayamas if you have an injury. Please consult your doctor or trainer to know the best yoga asanas for you.
How You Will Feel By The End Of Day 2
You may start to feel weak from late afternoon on Day 2. Do not worry, this is normal with most low-calorie diet plans. Your body will not get the usual amounts of carbs and hence will react by making you feel slow and weak.
Let’s move on to Day 3 and see what’s in store!

GM Diet Plan Day 3

You Will Need
A combination of fruits and vegetables. You could stick to the fruits and vegetables consumed during the first two days. The only foods to avoid are potatoes and bananas.
What You Have To Do
On the third day, your body would have almost adjusted to the new diet. After a day of eating just vegetables, fruits will bring a welcome break. It will also combine the benefits of both fruits and vegetables, and provide you with high fiber, nutrient, and protein.
Here is the diet plan that you will follow on Day 3 of the GM diet plan
A Schedule You Could Follow
8 am – 9 am)
Half a bowl of cantaloupe or a sliced apple and two glasses of water
(11 am – 12 pm)
Half a sliced pineapple or a pear and two glasses of water
(1:30 pm – 2 pm)
A salad of cucumber, carrots, and lettuce with two glasses of water
Post Lunch Snack
(4 pm – 5 pm)
An orange with half a sliced cantaloupe and a glass of water
Evening Snack
(6:30 pm – 7 pm)
A pear and a glass of water
(8 pm – 9 pm)
Boiled broccoli and beets with two glasses of water
Why This Works
The combination of fruits and vegetables on the third day allows your body to replenish itself. Fruits and vegetables provide fiber and nutrients, giving your body what it needs. The variety will also help satisfy your taste buds and break the monotony of the first two days. The water will help flush the toxins out.
Certain foods need to be avoided on Day 3 for better weight loss results.
Foods To Avoid
    • Vegetables – Avoid all veggies on this day.
    • Fruits – Avoid eating bananas.
    • Protein – Avoid eating any protein source such as meat, eggs, fish, beans, lentils, and mushrooms.
    • Fats & Oils – Lard, butter, margarine, and safflower oil.
    • Carbs – Avoid all carb-rich foods, including brown rice.
    • Dairy – Full fat milk, full fat yogurt, frozen yogurt, ice cream, and cheese.
    • Beverages – Alcohol, soda, sweetened drinks, vegetable smoothies or juices, and packaged fruit juices.
If you don’t like a particular food listed in the diet plan, the following food substitute list will definitely help you.
Cantaloupe – Watermelon

Apple – Orange

Pear – Plum

Pineapple – Peach

Cucumber – Kiwi

Carrot – Bok choy or beetroot

Lettuce – Chinese cabbage

Orange – Grapefruit or kiwi

Broccoli – Cauliflower

Beetroot – Carrot
Useful Tip: You can include fruits for breakfast and finish it off with fresh vegetables in the evening. You can also drink the GM diet soup for lunch or dinner.
A simple and easy to follow exercise regimen will help burn the extra calories. Here is the list of exercises that you should do on Day 3.
On this day, start with a warm up and move on to some energy expending exercises. You may do these exercises early in the morning or in the evening after office or school. Here is the list of the exercises that will keep you feeling energetic all day long.
    • Arms circles – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Wrist rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Shoulder rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Neck rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Ankle rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Leg rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Squats – 2 sets of 5 reps
    • Lunges – 2 sets of 5 reps
    • Surya Namaskar (click here to see the steps to perform Surya Namaskar).
    • Face exercises
Warning – Take care not to injure yourself. If you are not comfortable with doing an exercise continuously, take 2-3 minutes break and then complete the set. Do not perform a particular exercise if you have an old injury. Consult your doctor or trainer to know whether you should do the listed exercises.
How You Will Feel By The End Of Day 3
Day 3 will make you feel better again as you will get a good amount of fruit sugar from the fruits and a little amount of carbs from the veggies. Exercising and staying active will also make you feel great.

To keep it real, Day 4 is challenging but that’s the whole point here. Get ready for Day 4.

GM Diet Plan Day 4

You Will Need
Eight bananas and four glasses of milk.
What You Have To Do
The fruit you’ve been asked to avoid is finally permitted. It is advised to eat eight bananas over the course of the day. Distribute them among your meal and snack times. Also, consume a big glass of milk, thrice, once each at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If this gets monotonous, you can also include a bowl of soup.
Sounds easy, but let’s not leave room for any error. Here is the Day 4 diet schedule.
A Schedule You Could Follow
8 am – 9 am)
Two large bananas and a glass of milk
(11 am – 12 pm)
A banana shake (use one banana). Half a teaspoon of honey can be added as a sweetener
(1:30 pm – 2 pm)
A bowl of GM diet soup
Post Lunch Snack
(4 pm – 5 pm)
Banana milkshake
Evening Snack
(6:30 pm – 7 pm)
Two medium to small bananas
(8 pm – 9 pm)
Two large bananas and a glass of milk
Why This Works
Bananas provide instant energy. They are rich in pectin, which aids digestion. They are also high in potassium and low in salt (3). Milk is a great source of calcium and potassium. It is also fortified with vitamin D that helps strengthen bones (4).
Though you will consume mostly bananas and milk, many people make mistakes when it comes to choosing the right additions or even snacking. The following list will help you keep a mental checklist on which foods to avoid on Day 4.
Foods To Avoid
  • Vegetables – Potato and sweet potato.
  • Fruits – Avoid eating all fruits except banana.
  • Protein – Avoid eating any protein source such as meat, eggs, fish, beans, lentils, and mushrooms.
  • Fats & Oils – Lard, butter, margarine, and safflower oil.
  • Carbs – Avoid all carb-rich foods, including brown rice.
  • Dairy – Full fat milk, full fat yogurt, frozen yogurt, ice cream, and cheese.
  • Beverages – Alcohol, soda, sweetened drinks, vegetable smoothies or juices, and packaged fruit juices.
If banana and milk is not your cup of tea, then these substitutes will help you get through Day 4.
Banana – Fig

Milk – Soy milk
Useful Tip: You can have your daily ration of bananas in the form of a milkshake and drink it for breakfast or as a mid-morning or evening snack. You could also include the GM diet soup for both lunch and dinner.
Bananas provide a lot of energy. Therefore, exercising early in the morning or in the evening will not make you feel weak. The following exercises will help you mobilize fat and boost your metabolism.
All those calories from the bananas should be expended so that the energy from the bananas don’t get stored as fat. You may do these exercises early in the morning or in the evening after office or school. Here is the list of exercises that you should do on Day 4.
    • Arms circles – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Wrist rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Shoulder rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Neck rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Ankle rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Leg rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Spot jogging – 7-10 minutes
    • Squats – 2 sets of 5 reps
    • Pilates – 15-20 seconds
    • Bicycle crunches – 2 sets of 5 reps
    • Face exercises
Warning: Do not perform exercises that will worsen an old injury. Take the advice of your doctor or trainer before starting the exercises.
How You Will Feel By The End Of Day 4
The monotony of eating bananas and milk can make you feel demotivated. You may also experience mood swings. However, drinking enough water, working out, and talking to people who have successfully lost weight by following the GM diet will keep you going.
Great job! You have successfully completed Day 4. Now, let’s move on to day 5.

GM Diet Plan Day 5

You Will Need
Vegetarians can opt for a cup of brown rice. Non-vegetarians can have a lean protein source like chicken breast or fish. You will also need to consume six large tomatoes.
What You Have To Do
This day is a feast compared to what you consumed on the first four days. Vegetarians can have a serving of brown rice for lunch. It is recommended that a minimum amount of oil be used while cooking. To combat the high amount of uric acid your body will be producing, you must increase your daily water intake to 15 glasses.
For Non-vegetarians: You can include a serving of fish or chicken. Eat 500gms of skinless chicken baked or lightly fried and don’t forget the six tomatoes.
An exciting day as you will get to eat a good amount of protein. Here is the Day 5 diet plan to make it more easy for you to follow.
A Schedule You Could Follow
8 am – 9 am)
A few small tomatoes with a bowl of boiled, seasoned kidney beans and two glasses of water
(11 am – 12 pm)
A cup of yogurt and two glasses of water
(1:30 pm – 2 pm)
A bowl of cooked brown rice/chicken breast/fish with two tomatoes and two glasses of water
Post Lunch Snack
(4 pm – 5 pm)
A salad with onions, and sprouts with two glasses of water
Evening Snack
(6:30 pm – 7 pm)
An apple and a pear
(8 pm – 9 pm)
GM Diet soup with two glasses of water
Why This Works
Brown rice is a complex carbohydrate and is high in fiber (5). It aids digestion. Chicken and fish are excellent sources of lean protein (6). Fish also contains omega-3 oils that are essential for our bodies (7). Tomatoes are high in fiber and aid digestion (8).
Useful Tip: Prepare chicken soup with tomatoes in it or roast the pieces without oil in a pan/oven. You can also opt for six eggs divided into three meals + six tomatoes. Don’t forget to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water for the day.
On Day 5 too you have to be careful about the foods you choose. Here is the list of foods that you should avoid on Day 5.
Foods To Avoid
  • Vegetables – Potato and sweet potato.
  • Fruits – Banana.
  • Protein – Beef, pork, and turkey.
  • Fats & Oils – Lard, butter, margarine, and safflower oil.
  • Carbs – White rice, bread, and processed foods.
  • Dairy – Full fat milk, full fat yogurt, frozen yogurt, ice cream, and cheese.
  • Beverages – Alcohol, soda, sweetened drinks, and packaged fruit juices.
Don’t like to eat what’s on the diet chart? These substitute foods will help you make the best food choice without consuming any extra calories.
Tomato – Carrot

Kidney beans – Black eyed peas

Yogurt – Sour cream

Brown rice – Quinoa

Chicken breast – Ground turkey

Fish – Chicken breast, mushroom, or lentils

Onion – Cucumber

Sprouts – Soaked Bengal gram

Apple – Kiwi

Pear – Orange
Exercising is the best way to expend the extra energy. Here is the list of exercises for you to follow on Day 5.
Your body need protein for building muscle, energy, and repair. Therefore, do these exercises in the evening after office or school. Here is the list of exercises for Day 5.
    • Arms circles – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Wrist rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Shoulder rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Neck rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Rope jumping – 1 set of 50 reps
    • Squats – 1 set of 10 reps
    • Kapalbhati – 50-100 times (take a break if you cannot do it continuously).
    • Adho Mukha Shvanasana or downward facing dog pose – 2-3 minutes.
    • Surya Namaskar (click here to see the steps).
    • Face exercises
Warning – Dieters with an old injury or any heart condition should consult their doctor or trainer before performing these exercises.
How You Will Feel By The End Of Day 5
The protein, carbs, and fruits will uplift your mood and you will feel much better by the end of the day. You will feel more enthusiastic towards working out on Day 5.
Two more days to go! I promise you, you will lose a good amount of fat in these last two days. Let’s first have a glimpse of Day 6.

GM Diet Plan Day 6

You Will Need
Any amount and type of vegetables. Vegetarians can opt for a cup of brown rice. Non-vegetarians can have a lean protein source like chicken breast or fish.
What You Have To Do
This is another relatively high food intake day. Follow a similar pattern today with the addition of vegetables. Vegetables have to be boiled, not fried, and salads shouldn’t have heavy dressings. By day six you should notice visible weight loss. This will give you added motivation to finish the diet on a high.
For Non-vegetarians: You can eat up to 500gms of skinless chicken and all vegetables, excluding tomatoes and potatoes. You can eat chicken/eggs or the GM diet soup mid-morning or in the evening.

Now let’s take a look at the Day 6 diet plan.
A Schedule You Could Follow
8 am – 9 am)
A bowl of mixed boiled vegetables and two glasses of water
(11 am – 12 pm)
A bowl of boiled kidney beans with a diced tomato seasoned with spices, and two glasses of water
(1:30 pm – 2 pm)
A bowl of brown rice/chicken breast/fish with the GM diet soup and two glasses of water
Post Lunch Snack
(4 pm – 5 pm)
3-4 baby carrots and a glass of water
Evening Snack
(6:30 pm – 7 pm)
A bowl of GM soup and a glass of water
(8 pm – 9 pm)
A bowl of boiled vegetables with a glass of water
Why This Works
In addition to the other nutrient-rich foods, a mix of vegetables provides the fiber and nutrients needed by our body.
Useful Tip: Vegetables have to be boiled, not fried, and salads shouldn’t have any heavy dressings.
To make sure that nothing goes wrong on Day 6, avoid eating the foods listed below.
Foods To Avoid
  • Vegetables – Sweet potato and potato
  • Fruits – Try to avoid fruits, especially mango, banana, and cherry.
  • Protein – Beef, pork, and turkey.
  • Fats & Oils – Lard, butter, margarine, and safflower oil.
  • Carbs – White rice, bread, and processed foods.
  • Dairy – Full fat milk, full fat yogurt, frozen yogurt, ice cream, and cheese.
  • Beverages – Alcohol, soda, sweetened drinks, and packaged fruit juices.
It is totally fine if you feel bored eating the same veggies, fruits, proteins, etc. Try these food substitutes to feel encouraged to complete the 7-Day GM diet plan.
Boiled kidney beans – Boiled Bengal gram

Tomatoes – Cucumber

Brown rice – Quinoa

Chicken breast – Ground turkey

Fish – Chicken breast, mushroom, or lentils

Carrot – Beetroot or cucumber
Now that the diet is taken care of, let’s check out the recommended exercise routine for Day 6.
A little strenuous exercise routine for Day 6 that will help burn the fat and tone the muscles. You may do these exercises early in the morning or in the evening after office or school. Here is the list of exercises for Day 6.
    • Arms circles – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Wrist rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Shoulder rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Neck rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Jogging
    • Stairs running
    • Sit-ups – 2 sets of 5 reps
    • Air cycling – 2 sets of 10 reps (click here to shed thigh fat)
    • Pushups – 2 sets of 5 reps
    • Breathing exercises
    • Face exercise
Warning: Do not overstrain yourself. Take breaks to catch your breath and keep an electrolyte powder handy to prevent a sudden drop in blood glucose. Refrain from doing exercises that will worsen an old injury or a previously established medical condition.
How You Will Feel By The End Of Day 6
By the end of the Day 6 you will notice a visibly slimmer body and will also feel lighter.
Now let’s throw the spotlight on the last day, Day 7 of this diet plan.

GM Diet Plan Day 7

You Will Need
A cup of brown rice, an assortment of vegetables, and fruit juice.
What You Have To Do
You made it! Today is the final day of the diet. You can have one serving of brown rice and an unlimited quantity of vegetables. To supplement the nutritional value of the vegetables, sugarless fruit juice should be consumed after every meal or snack.
Take a look at the detailed diet plan for Day 7.
A Schedule You Could Follow
8 am – 9 am)
A mixed vegetable salad in a small bowl and a glass of apple or orange juice
(11 am – 12 pm)
A bowl of GM diet soup and a small portion of carrot sticks with a glass of water
(1:30 pm – 2 pm)
A cup of brown rice, a bowl of boiled vegetables, and two glasses of water
Post Lunch Snack
(4 pm – 5 pm)
A few carrots and a glass of kiwi juice
Evening Snack
(6:30 pm – 7 pm)
A mixed vegetable salad and two glasses of water
(8 pm – 9 pm)
A bowl of GM diet soup and two glasses of water
Why This Works
Fruit juices will flush out the toxins from the system, and the other food items will provide you with the much-needed energy.
Useful Tip: Include vegetables like cabbage or broccoli to go with the brown rice. Try to include one glass of fruit juice (orange or pineapple) in the morning.
As with all other days, Day 7 also requires you to avoid certain foods that will hinder weight loss. Here is the list.
Foods To Avoid
  • Vegetables – Potato and sweet potato.
  • Fruits – Banana, cherry, mango, and pear.
  • Protein – Avoid any kind of meat such as beef, turkey, chicken, pork, fish and lentils, beans, soy, and mushrooms.
  • Fats & Oils – Lard, butter, margarine, and safflower oil.
  • Carbs – White rice, bread, and processed foods.
  • Dairy – Full fat milk, full fat yogurt, frozen yogurt, ice cream, and cheese.
  • Beverages – Alcohol, soda, sweetened drinks, and packaged fruit juices.
If you are not so happy with the foods in the diet chart, you can opt for these listed substitutes in the next section.
Vegetable salad – Sprout salad

Apple juice – Cucumber juice

Orange juice – Grapefruit juice

Carrot – Beetroot

Brown rice – Quinoa or cracked wheat

Kiwi – Plum
Finally, burn the fat by doing the listed exercises for Day 7.
You may do these exercises early in the morning or in the evening after office or school.
    • Arms circles – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Wrist rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Shoulder rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Neck rotation – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
    • Surya Namaskar
    • Sit-ups – 1 set of 10 reps
    • Air cycling – 2 sets of 10 reps (click here to shed fat from thigh)
    • Bicycle crunches – 2 sets of 10 reps
    • Squats – 2 sets of 5 reps
    • Face exercise
Warning: Dieters with a heart condition or any other medical condition should consult their trainer or doctor to know if they should perform the listed exercises.
How You Will Feel By The End Of Day 7
By evening you may feel like eating a high-calorie dessert or munch on potato wafers since you know that you have lost weight. It’s a trap, don’t fall for it. The exercise routine will help you stay active throughout the day. A sense of accomplishment will bring a smile on your face as you go to bed.
NOTE- Do not follow GM diet continuously. This will lead to compromised immunity, muscle and bone weakness, and slow down your metabolism. GM diet works best when it is followed every alternate week or once in two weeks.

GM Diet Chart

If you’d like to use your smartphone to follow the GM diet, you can use our app to help you stick to the plan and track your progress.

The Scientific Explanation

The consumption of fruits in this diet provides the body with fiber that aids digestion and prevents you from feeling hungry fast. Vegetables are packed with essential vitamins and ensure your body receives all the nutrition it needs. Brown rice is a complex carbohydrate that is low in fat. Protein in the form of chicken is low on fat and energy rich. Additionally, protein helps to increase the metabolic rate and burn more fat. The diet doesn’t limit the amount of food you can eat, focusing on limiting what you can and can’t eat. This, along with the frequent small meals and increased water intake, flushes toxins and leads to fat loss.
The science explains the success of GM diet but not every scientifically sound diet plans are as popular as GM diet. In the next section you will know exactly why GM diet is a great diet to follow.

What’s Great About This Diet

The cleansing systematic effects of the General Motors diet make it possible to lose a tremendous amount of weight quickly. The best part of the GM Diet plan is that it helps get you into the habit of eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. It will cleanse your system of impurities and give you a sense of well-being — so you’ll feel as good as you look. You actually feel lighter (both physically and emotionally) after just one week. All the foods that are suggested are low in sugar and high in fiber. The increased fiber intake helps digestion. Because of the improved digestion, it helps mobilize fat stores while absorbing nutrition.
If it feels like information overload, let’s take you to the next section. This section shows you exactly how to make a delicious GM diet soup.

GM Diet Soup Recipe

Image: Shutterstock
The GM diet soup is a staple of the diet. It can be consumed in unlimited quantities on any day and ensures you don’t go hungry anytime. You can prepare a large quantity of it and simply reheat it anytime during the week.
    • Six large onions
    • Three medium-sized tomatoes
    • One cabbage
    • Two green peppers
    • A bunch of celery
    • Half a liter of water
Method of Preparation
    1. Chop up the onions and peppers. In a pot, sauté them in olive oil till they turn mild brown.
    2. Next, cut up the tomatoes, celery, and cabbage, and add them to the pot along with the water.
    3. The soup takes about 60 minutes to prepare. The vegetables will need to be boiled, then left to simmer. Season it with pepper and salt to your liking and enjoy a bowl of delicious soup.
    You may add a seasoning of your choice to make different variations of this soup. Follow the “Foods To Avoid” list to avoid eating unhealthy foods. For convenience, here is the list of beverages that you are allowed to drink while on the GM diet.
    What You’re Allowed To Drink
      • Water should be your main source of hydration. Make sure you’re reaching for your bottle of water throughout the day. You can squeeze a few drops of lemon or lime juice into the bottle to give it some additional flavor.
      • Club Soda is a healthier alternative to the sugar-rich colas.
      • If you’re addicted to your morning caffeine hit, make sure you have your coffee without any cream, milk, or sugar.
      • If you prefer tea to coffee, make sure it is either green or herbal.
    Let’s quickly recapitulate the benefits of the GM diet to help you decide whether or not to take a step forward to become a healthier you.

    Benefits Of The GM Diet

      1. Quick weight loss – The biggest benefit of GM diet is that it helps you lose weight fast! Most people drop between 3 kg to 6 kg in just one week.
      2. Detoxification – The diet helps flush out toxins from your system. Because the diet is full of fruits, vegetables, and lots of water, it ensures your system is completely cleansed after day 7.
      3. Time Span – Because the diet is just seven days long and ensures fast weight loss, you are more likely to stick to it.
      The Diet
        • Is low on salt and sugar
        • Is high in complex carbohydrates and fiber
        • Reduces serum cholesterol levels
      You may not make the most of the GM diet because of following wrong practices. Take a look at the next section to find out what you should do and what you shouldn’t.

      Do’s And Dont’s

      Things You Should DoThings You Shouldn’t Do
      Drink plenty of waterDon’t drink alcohol
      Use lemon, vinegar, herbs, or other low-calorie flavoringsNo salad dressings
      If you must use oil, stick to extra virgin olive oilDon’t use more than a teaspoon of oil
      Follow the instructions as closely as you canDon’t cheat on the diet even for a meal/day
      At the end of the GM diet, you will be a few kilos lighter. But the health benefits you will achieve will be more than just weight loss. To summarize, GM diet works, has worked for many, and will work for you! If you try it and follow it with dedication, you will get results for sure. So, what are you waiting for?
      Have questions? Feel free to drop in a comment and we will get back to you soon.

      Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

      Can everyone try the GM diet?
      Anyone can try the GM diet, but always make sure that you consult your doctor before starting. If you are looking for quick weight loss along with the added benefit of a complete cleanse and detox, then this diet is for you.
      How effective is the GM diet for weight loss?
      You can shed weight in a week depending on the type of food you consume. However, keep in mind, you may also lose some muscle along with fat and water. For sustained weight loss over a longer period, regular exercise and a controlled diet are recommended.
      Can pregnant ladies try the GM diet?
      The answer is simply NO. It is advisable to consult your dietitian before taking up this diet plan.
      Is GM diet good for diabetics?
      No! People who’re suffering from hypertension, diabetes, and heart problems are advised not to follow the General Motors diet program. These people require a well-balanced diet and since the GM diet doesn’t fulfill the nutritious requirements of such people, it is recommended that they do not follow it. However, before you start any type of diet, check with your family physician.
      Will the weight loss results of the GM diet be permanent?
      There is actually no guarantee that the weight you’ve lost is permanent. To be frank, there is no diet plan in this world that promises that. It varies from individual to individual.
      How old does one have to be to try the GM diet?
      It’s generally advised for those above 18 years.
      What to eat after the GM diet is over?
      Wondering what to eat on the eighth day after completing the GM diet? It does not make sense to binge once the diet is over and expect the effect of the diet to continue. After the diet, it is important to start eating healthier and exercising. There is no fixed plan as to what you should eat after the GM diet.
      Eat foods that are nutrition-dense, such as spinach, carrots, tomato, asparagus, sweet potato, broccoli, beetroot, fish, chicken, turkey, lean cuts of beef and pork, soy, beans, lentils, sprouts, fruits, low-fat yogurt, low-fat milk, whole grains, multi-grain bread, eggs, herbs, olive oil, rice bran oil, fresh fruit juice, coconut water, and buttermilk. You can also have chocolate and other desserts. Just make sure to eat them in limited quantities.
      How to maintain weight loss after the GM diet?
      Exercising is the best way to maintain your reduced waistline. Workout at least 3 days a week. Walking, running, playing a sport, climbing, rope jumping, yoga, dancing, and strength training will help you to maintain a toned body.
      Can I follow the GM diet continuously?
      No! You should not follow the GM diet continuously. It is meant to be a quick way to lose weight. You may follow the GM diet every alternate week.
      Will I gain back the weight once the GM diet is over?
      Yes, hence make a habit of regular exercising and give up unhealthy eating.
      What weight do we lose?
      The GM diet claims that dieters may lose 17 pounds in 7 days. However, weight loss depends on various factors such as age, current weight, activity levels, body metabolism, lifestyle, cooking method, medical history, and genes. Eating tasty (so that it doesn’t get boring) and healthy along with a changed lifestyle will definitely help you lose a good amount of weight.
      Does GM diet reduce belly fat?
      Yes, GM Diet will help you to reduce belly and any lower body flab. Since you will be on a low-calorie, low-carb, and planned diet, you will lose fat from all parts of your body. Belly fat is stubborn and therefore doing ab exercises can accelerate the belly reduction process.
      Can I do aerobics while on the GM diet?
      If you workout regularly and are in a good physical form then you may do aerobics. However, if you are just starting to workout, better to keep the exercise routine basic, such as stretching, yoga, and 15 minutes of walking.
      Can I do Barre while on GM diet?
      If you are flexible, comfortable, and do not feel weak, you may do barre exercises to tone your muscles. However, Barre is not recommended for someone who is just starting out on a mission to lose weight. Since you will be on a low calorie diet, it is best to stick to the exercise plans mentioned above. These exercises will not cause much exertion and you will be left feeling active and full of energy.
      Is it ok to run 10×100 meter sprints on the first day?
      On the first day, running 10×100 meter sprints is ok as your muscles will have enough fuel. However, do not continue this for the rest of the days as you will be on a low calorie diet and your muscles will not have enough fuel. Limit your workout to basic exercises along and do comfortable intensity of ab and thigh workouts.
      Can I go on with Altitude Training while I am on this diet?
      No. Altitude training requires muscle strength, and since you will not be getting enough protein, you should not go for altitude training.
      How many times I can do the GM diet in a month?
      You may follow the GM diet every alternate week. Therefore, you may follow it twice a month.
      Is going to kickboxing class allowed during GM diet?
      If you have been kickboxing for quite a while now and don’t feel weak, you may continue with your kickboxing class. However, if you have just joined the kickboxing class, it is better to avoid going to the class as your body is not conditioned to the high amount of stress and low calories. You may do basic exercises such as stretching, breathing exercises, and yoga.
      How to cook vegetables for the GM Diet?
      Cooking is one of the major reasons for gaining or losing weight. Veggies can either be eaten raw (salad or smoothies) or baked, grilled, boiled, and blanched. Use oils such as olive oil and rice bran oil.
      Is the GM diet good for you?
      Before starting on the GM diet, take your doctor’s or dietitian’s expert opinion. Depending on your current weight, age, medical history, activity levels, lifestyle, and genes, a diet plan should be designed. GM diet will help you to lose weight; however, other factors should be kept in mind so that you don’t become weak in the process of losing weight.
      How to cook brown rice for the GM diet?
      The best way to cook brown rice for GM diet is to boil 1 cup of brown rice in 1 and 1/2 cup water.
      Can we use salt in the GM diet?
      Yes, you can. However, nothing in excess is good for your health. Therefore, try to add just enough salt to season.
      When to eat the soup?
      You can have the soup on any day or for any meal of the day. Make a tasty and healthy soup that you can enjoy.
      Please suggest a substitute for brown rice in the GM diet.
      If you are not a fan of brown rice, try quinoa or white rice or legumes.
      Please suggest a substitute for beef in the GM diet for day 5.
      Replace the beef with other animal protein sources such as chicken breast or turkey. If you are a vegan, you can replace the beef with kidney beans, chickpeas, legumes, tofu, and soy chunks.
      Please suggest a substitute for bananas in this diet.
      Substitute the banana with dates, apricots, nectarines, grapefruit, and figs.
      Is it safe to follow the GM diet during breastfeeding?
      No, GM diet is not for breastfeeding mothers. Since your baby will need a good amount of nutrition through your breast milk, eating low-calorie foods will not help you get all the nutrition. Check with your doctor to know the right time to start the GM diet to lose the pregnancy weight.
      Is it safe to follow the GM diet during menstruation?
      You can follow the GM diet during menstruation. However, since you will lose a good amount of iron, eat foods that have good iron content. Check with your doctor or nutritionist to know if you need to take iron supplements.
      Please suggest a list of vegetables for the GM diet.
      You can opt for spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, sweet potato, asparagus, squash, beet root, carrot, green beans, onion, garlic, ginger, herbs, pumpkin, bitter gourd, bottle gourd, tomato, cucumber etc.
      Please suggest a list of vegetable salad recipes for the GM diet.
      You can opt for vegetable Greek salad, grilled vegetable salad, asparagus and sweet potato salad, spinach salad, etc. Make the dressing with Dijon mustard, yogurt, olive oil, salt, and lime juice.
      What about fruit juices for day 7 in the GM diet?
      Have fresh fruit juices. Avoid any packaged fruit juices as they contain high amounts of sugar and preservatives, which will lead to weight gain. Fruits are loaded with nutrition; therefore, you can juice any fruit (better with the pulp, unless you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and drink while on this diet.
      How can I make a GM diet banana shake?
      Blend 1 banana, low-fat milk or soy milk, 1 tablespoon flaxseed powder, and 1 teaspoon cocoa powder and drink.
      What are the fruits we should not eat while on the GM diet?
      Fruits with high Glycemic Index (GI) such as ripe mango and lychee should be avoided. However, keep in mind that fruits, in general, are highly nutritious. So if you have just one mango once in seven days, it will not affect your weight loss. You get micronutrients and phytonutrients that help you stay active from fruits like mango and lychee.
      How about green tea in the GM diet?
      Green tea has zero to one calorie (if taken without sugar or artificial sweetener). There is a host of health benefits that green tea provides, which include antioxidant activity, anti-aging effect, detoxification, and improvement in brain function. Therefore, you can take green tea while you are on GM diet. It will do more good than harm.
      How much weight loss can I expect each day while following the GM diet?
      You can lose up to 2 pounds a day by following the GM diet plan. Workout regularly, avoid alcohol and late night snacking, play a sport or join a dance class, sleep well, and stay hydrated to accelerate the weight loss process.

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